
Showing posts from July, 2017

Why Sea World should shut down

  Turn on the audio to listen to the important message of this protest. Video posted by Peta on their Facebook page.   Sea World was expose   with animal cruelty around the country  in a larger scale when the film BlackFish came up with details about the whales conditions in captivity  ,the way the are capture , along with several testimonies from Scientists , one of the former Sea World Trainers and others .  It was a dropping bomb for many  like my self who I was not aware of the tremendous amount of  animal cruelty caused by Sea World.. People around the Country  became horrified  with the cruelty that the captivity of orcas causes , and stared petitions and protests.   There are clear evidences that the orcas doesn't   bellow in captivity , it is extremely cruel to keep them in pools making tricks , specially  after separating them from their families in which caused them serious trauma  . Orcas are extremely brights animals and very social, they are packed  animals

"WHAT THE HEALTH " Documentary review - Available on Netflix

"What the Health " is now available on Netflix  . It is a Must - see.  This documentary presents crucial  informations that  gives us a clear understanding  when comes down to certain diseases, starting with diabetics and how much exist lobbying and corruption inside the government, with severals associations  such  as Breast Cancer Society , American Cancer society and others who are all being funded by the food industry that contribute for the diseases. It is shocking  to see that even tho so many  studies point it out that the main causes of these diseases are coming from meat or dairy consumption  , and still most people are not able to hear the truth from organizations about prevention and from doctors, and that all thanks to lobbying for the food industry . What got my attention is the amount of medication prescribed, when the power of food to improve these diseases are not being presented to people in serious health situations. They are told only to take me

10 Reasons To Go Vegan

 Here is a very well illustrated video in which described great reasons for people to go vegan. Going vegan would be such an amazing thing to do for animals, if not the animals for our own selves, the planet , and also help to solve the hunger. Nobody has nothing to lose by going vegan.  Giving it a try would be quite an experience, and for some a life saver and healing. Going vegan is the most positive action someone could take in the world . The variety of food that they vegan life style offer can be extremely exiting  and the feeling to eat well without collaborating with the horrific cruelty towards animals can bring a huge sensation of Joy. It worth try it.