
Showing posts from November, 2016

Violet: Your Questions Answered

Here is a great video for those who want to know more about goats and animal rescue ; I found this video to be amazing, therefore added between my favorites. The founder of the CatSkills Animal Sanctuary Kathy Stevens , always deliver amazing explanations about the rescued animals at this lovely place in which I had visited a few times, and will keep visiting. I had the honor to meet little Violet  after she was already grown , therefore coming across this video that gives me news on her it fills my heart of joy. I had the opportunity to interact with a few of their goats, and was so impressed in how smart they can be , also extremely affectionnist and sweet . Please consider to donate to this wonderful organization , who has dedicated volunteers , an amazing staff , mostly lovely animals that are living happy thanks to them, and they need our help, and I truly recommend you to visit them,it is an amazing experience . if you  can't visit them, consider to make donations to help

Who By Fire lyrics [Leonard Cohen]

One of the biggest gifts Leonard Cohen , left . This ia a brilliant piece. I had to post these lyrics on my blog, it is simply beautiful . The beauty of tese lyrics is hard to describe, we only can feel it by listening to it.

Before the Flood - Trailer | National Geographic

As I was browsing Youtube> I came across this very important documentary ; I have been following up Climate Change issues since the 90's , but as a kid I could not quite understand, but have a good idea what it is, and how disturbing ot can be. As an old adult I still do not understand everything detail on climate change , but the accumulation of inforatiom i have this far , I have a pretty good idea in how that impact our lives, and what exactly I can do as an individual. At this point I have now consciousness of what the issue is, but it took a bit of curiosity to get into this point. I do not think the government, school or media will give us much explanation, it seems like damage the planet is part of their interests . It will be up to us as individual to educate our selves, and see what we can do to change, it will have to start with our day to day lives decision, smalls ones, and talk with others. I recommend everyone to watch the must seen documentary produced by Leo