
Showing posts from December, 2019

Climate Change - We are Toast or We can all go on a plant-based diet

Nothing short of a nuclear world war threatens our cherished way of life more than climate change. It is therefore not surprising that the most vociferous defenders of the comfortable assumptions that support the status quo tend to be those who profit the most from the existing set-up. These assumptions, already under severe strain from dire warnings by leading climate scientists, record-breaking ocean and air temperatures, melting ice, unabated deforestation, loss of species and calamitous weather events, are blown apart by Dr Stephen Emmott in his book  TEN BILLION , Richard Oppenlander in  Comfortably Unaware , Lester Brown in  Full Planet, Empty Plates  and J. Morris Hicks in  Healthy Eating, Healthy World . Each of these books explains with stunning clarity how we are coming up against the limits of a sustainable food system, with continuing rapid population growth and industrialization carrying a real danger of irreversible environmental harms leading to runaway global warmin

Greta Thunberg and her much needed positive impact in the world

"> . @GretaThunberg : “I’d like to tell my grandchildren that we did everything we could. And we did it for them—for the generations to come” #TIMEPOY — TIME (@TIME) December 24, 2019 <iframe src="" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Frame of love and hope at the Catskills Animal Sanctuary

One of the happiest moments of my life, it has been spending time with the residents at the Catskills Animal sanctuary, a place where I can learn from animals to be a better human and realized that we are all the same. With Years I have met many of these animals, that I started feeling a strong bond with the. It is pure magic to know that there are many working hard to give thes lovely animals the Goodlife

Why Agriculture's Greenhouse Gas Emissions are almost always Underestimate -- --And how of animal agriculture and fishing industry contribution to ocean pollution

Image Agriculture’s contribution to the climate crisis is typically underestimated, according to experts, because of numerous emission sources that are routinely overlooked. “The classic EPA chart suggested Agriculture is 9 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. This number’s almost certainly significantly quite low,” said Peter Lehner, managing attorney for EarthJustice, a non-profit environmental law firm. “Most other studies, including by the UN and others, say that agriculture contributes much closer to 15 or 20 percent or more of world greenhouse gas emissions.” Even those estimates may be low, Lehner argued in a Washington D.C.  briefing  hosted by the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, because most assessments don’t include these five sources of agricultural emi