
Showing posts from August, 2017

Brief insights on the vegan cause

Compassion is universal  "We were born compassionate , we were born vegan, but the corrupted world of the food industry disconnected us form the truth  " "This is an amazing video made bt the Catskills Animal Sanctuary in which I found on youtube and had to post on this blog " The work by the Catskills Animal Sanctuary inspire me and teach me  beyond words. A place like the CatSkills Animal sanctuary  gives me hope  for a better world where Humans understand how l onely animals are and that they are not food. "Surely the earth can be saved by all the people who insist on love.: -- Alice Walker The Catskills Animal Sanctuary is a place where humans of all ages can have the real connection with farm animals , and have a chance to get to know them and understand how lovely they are.  It is crucial for all of us to connect our selves with the food we eat. The violence towards these animals is beyond descriptions , in days where we understand that we

When the second dog arrives - I love my dogs and cat

This is a Y outube video edited by me, with footages and images from the day we adopted our second Dog Sam until Summer 2017. This video was made with the intention to promote dog  adoption  and to show how much joy a dog can add unto our lives , I used my own experience to make this home made amateur video.   I encourage you to view this on youtube , hit like and subscribe for more videos of my dogs , interesting places, vlogs   , and I plan  to  make more videos on Vegan life style as well. Therefore stay tune .  We should never purchase dogs orang pets , adoption is the way, there are so many of them in shelters and rescues and they are all lovely, and can become the best family member you can imagine. Spay and neuter are a must and the only way to end homeless pets is thought adoption and spaying . Breeding dogs is wrong on my view, Humans are creating dogs for esthetic  reasons and that act  hurts the dogs and lads them homeless and in shelters. Adopt is the way. Our Pe

How to go vegan - most asked questions

This is an amazing video illustration about how to go vegan ; It explain in a ver simple way in how to go vegan, and why we should go vegan . It is very exiting for me to see such videos with accuracy in facts available to the public so I can now share on my blog and for the love ones who seek information about veganism . Although I have been a vegan for quite long time, I  follow all source of news on veganism with intention to assimilate as much knowledge  as I can , so i can deliver the very important vegan cause better. From my point of view , it would be lovely to see more and more people  not  collaborating with such horrific animal cruelty towards lovely beings that feels pain and want to be love just like all of us. and go vegan, they all would be helping the planet and achieve better health as well.  It breaks my heart to pieces to know that the food industry is so cruel and that so many continuous to ignore the cruelty and  continuously  collaborating with animal c