
Showing posts from December, 2022

Events of 2022 - Ukraine

  Besides what happens on my surroundings, I have a few thoughts to share with you on the events from 2022 : What shook my soul this year was the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24th, which led me to follow details on the horror Ukrainians are going through and surrounded myself with new contacts from locals dealing with the war between Russia and Ukraine, scholars/ journalists specialize on Eastern Europe affairs on line. I also became familiar with the remarkable animal shelters and sanctuaries in Ukraine which I asked you to keep in mind and also all Ukrainians and refugees from all countries during this winter.This year was the year that I realized that democracy was way more important then I thought it was. My realization was after hearing powerful statements from young anti wars 20 years old Russians who chose to flee their countries and never go back to Russia until democracy is stablished .  Their actions led me to take advantage of my rights to vote for the p



How Does Food Impact Biodiversity?
