
Showing posts from September, 2019

Historical speech by Greta Thunberg addressing addressing world leaders at the United Nations

I am once again amazed by how clear and direct words by Greta Thunberg at the UN yesterday. I can't help it not to stand up by her as an almost middle age lady with a young heart, who has been vegan for many years, for ethical, environmental climate reasons, health, and social justice reasons. As a vegan, I started spending a good amount of time, looking for clear facts, and the most shocking one was how much many businesses like the Animalagriculture and fishing are leading to massive extinction of species, leading to Climate change. It can be frustrated with the media and government being funded by these industries, however, many of us are tracking down scientistic facts, and try to spread the word. But, there was nothing like until Greta Thunberg came along, with uniqueness, youth, and courage, a great combo to the polluters of the world to wake up. Greta Thunberg was clear that she is a vegan for ethical, environmental and climate reasons, and her family went v